Montessori Escuela
Combining Montessori Education with Spanish Immersion Program

Children’s House Classroom (preschool)
2 years 9 months to 6 years
Hours: Full Day (8-5) or Regular Day (8:45-3pm)
The Montessori Children’s House classroom contains six content areas of study. The children choose the work they are interested in learning and ask teachers for lessons to essentially each get “tutored” to their level of ability. For example, while some children in the classroom are working on quantity to symbol association for numbers 1-10, another of the same age might be working with the hundred board, and another completing phonetic sounds or making CVC words.

Toddler Program
Our Toddler Program is designed to help children from 15 months to 2.9 years old to develop their independence and social skills. Our Montessori trained teachers guide the children through activities that build their cognitive, physical and emotional development. Our Spanish Immersion program begins in this classroom, with more structured activities designed to develop language skills.

After School Program
Our After School Program is designed to provide reinforcement to our graduate students for both Spanish Immersion continuation of language development and advanced academic Montessori lessons. The program runs from 3 pm to 5 pm for kindergarten and first grade students.
Summer Camp

Our 13 week Summer Passport Program has students traveling to 13 Spanish speaking countries. Students will explore cultural music, art, stories, and clothing. They will also create maps, flags, and cook traditional recipes. Outdoors they explore nature, compete in potato sack races and other social interactions before stamping their passports.